How about some good news? Last night, China reported no new local infections for the first time since the outbreak began three months ago. The Federal Reserve invoked its emergency backstop for prime money market mutual funds, a step that helped in the 2008 crash. Congress and the White House are closing in on a […]
Category Archives: Global Economy
Jason Kelly on Wall St. for Main St.
In a 43-minute, commercial-free interview with Mo Dawoud of Wall St. for Main St., I discussed my background, Japan’s economy, Japan after the Fukushima disaster, and The 3% Signal. You’ll find a detailed time/topic index below the YouTube panel. 01:12 My Background: How an English Major Became an Investor 03:35 Leaving IBM to Become a […]
Kunstler’s Zombie Deathwatch Forecast
Here’s one for all you cynics with eyes wide open. James Howard Kunstler posted his “Bang and Whimper” forecast at Phil’s Stock World, and it’s a humdinger. Some highlights: The biggest political shock awaiting us is the massive disruption of the major party nominating conventions next summer, when thousands of angry citizens descend on Tampa […]
An EU Crisis Scenario
From yesterday’s Kelly Letter comes the following excerpt from the January Policy Brief from The Peterson Institute for International Economics: Faced with the reality of failing adjustment programs, difficult politics, and rising risks that one or more peripheral nations may rebel, or Germany may rescind its support, investors may simply decide that the cumulative risks […]
Does Egypt Matter to Investors?
Good morning! Let’s look at Egypt: ______________________________ OVERVIEW Oil Prices | Oil gets expensive when there’s trouble in the Middle East, but Egypt is a minor player. Global Inflation | Egypt’s uprising provides evidence that the sinking dollar is creating inflation that hurts emerging economies. Food Prices | Emerging economies are especially prone to social […]