The following is from this year’s Note 44 of The Kelly Letter, which went out to subscribers this morning. Keep your cynicism at full sensitivity as the Syrian war PR machine hits its stride. This letter flagged Syria as the military’s next war du jour earlier this year, a typical installment on which going something […]
Tag Archives: Geopolitics
What Your Taxes Buy
My new book due out next month shows how most Americans find their lifetime income divided into thirds that break down like this: 1/3 to taxes spent mostly in ways that do not benefit them, such as bank bailouts and bombs 1/3 spent on everything your taxes should provide, but don’t 1/3 left over, which […]
The Iran Factor
I continue to feel that the biggest threat to the market now is the Iran situation. I wrote about this on May 21 and June 25. The chances of an air strike keep growing. Iran is almost begging to be attacked, and it may get the holy war it wants. It would not take more […]
What A Strike On Iran Means To Oil Prices And The Global Economy
Raymond wrote: About a month ago you wrote an article looking at geopolitical risks, and identified a strike on Iran as the most pressing current situation. Any updated thoughts on that? Yes, I wrote to subscribers last weekend about what an Israeli strike on Iran could mean to oil prices. I concluded that it would […]
What Roman History Means To America
This is my last article this week. I’ll be away from the free site until next week, but will be sending The Kelly Letter to subscribers this weekend, as usual. More on our current theme of America’s future comes from historian Jonathan, who wrote: Your reader [Marcel from Monday’s article] evidently doesn’t understand what became […]