Category Archives: Society

Ebola Alert: Curtail Blood, Urine, and Vomit Play

With America’s nationwide Ebola death toll up to one and possibly rising, public health officials warn it’s not too early to take personal precaution. A recent survey by Boston-based Hitseeker Group found that six of nine people who’ve heard Ebola mentioned at least three times since Oct 6 believe they know somebody who comes into […]

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The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

In his book, Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era, James Barrat argues that we may be only a decade away from AI that surpasses human intelligence. On the heels of last Sunday’s Kelly Letter reporting that IBM is developing its Watson supercomputer into a cloud-based decision making service for […]

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You Can’t Outlaw Crazy

I’ve lived in Japan for 10 years, but grew up in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains surrounded by guns — literally. My father stashed them in the basement, the attic, above a drop ceiling, in our root cellar, and even in the mantel of our fireplace. Why? “Because you never know what will happen, and it’s always […]

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Control Your Technology

When I was a kid, there were no cell phones. I grew up in the Rocky Mountains, 20 miles from Estes Park where most of my friends lived and where I went to school. A bus picked me up at 7am and dropped me back home at 4:30pm. When I joined a club or team […]

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Doubting Evolution

In Note 47, sent to Kelly Letter subscribers on Sunday, Oct. 17, I ended as I usually do with a non-financial life observation, here in its entirety: That’ll do it for this week. I like keeping perspective on the relatively small part of our lives that financial management should comprise, despite its filling up a […]

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