Category Archives: Society

How Government Can Help Change

I spend a lot of time looking at reasons we rarely see change in society. The obvious resistance is that entrenched corporate interests pay politicians to keep things the way they are. If the status quo is profitable, then it makes sense to pay a portion of profits to keep it in place. Beyond that, […]

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What Your Taxes Buy

My new book due out next month shows how most Americans find their lifetime income divided into thirds that break down like this: 1/3 to taxes spent mostly in ways that do not benefit them, such as bank bailouts and bombs 1/3 spent on everything your taxes should provide, but don’t 1/3 left over, which […]

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How We Count, Counts

As we consider how much oil is spewing into the Gulf of Mexico every day, how many people are unemployed at the moment, how many people are without health insurance, how many illegal aliens live in the United States, and other such vital statistics of the day, it’s important to consider that there are many […]

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What’s Wrong With America?

I spent the past month in Colorado, helping to start a new coffee shop in Longmont called Red Frog Coffee. It’s a partnership between my sister and me, she the talent and I the capital. Starting a new business is always challenging, but coming to this one from Japan, where I live and work, provided […]

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Bestselling Financial Author