The following is from this year’s Note 47 of The Kelly Letter, which went out to subscribers this morning. The part of Colorado I call home is underwater. Half a year’s worth of rain fell in just three days last week, and 24-hour totals of 10 inches have some calling the deluge a 1 in […]
Category Archives: Environment
Investing and Climate Change
Climate change has been in the news enough that scientists worry “green fatigue” may set in “if every change in temperature and every storm is attributed to global warming.” Energy investors, however, must constantly weigh whether an investment in fossil fuel stocks is appropriate given the now undeniable change in climate happening as a result […]
Nuclear’s Questionable Future
The following is from this year’s Note 46 of The Kelly Letter, which went out to subscribers last Sunday morning. The Japanese government announced an about-face in its energy policy on Friday, pledging to become nuclear-free by the 2030s. In the wake of last year’s tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster that forced […]
Will Fear of Climate Change Reduce Oil Demand?
The following is from this year’s Note 38 of The Kelly Letter, which went out to subscribers last Sunday morning. We know the correlation between carbon emissions and temperature increase, so we can plot roughly how much more carbon we can emit globally before exceeding the two-degree temperature limit: 565 more gigatons. Even in this […]
How Government Can Help Change
I spend a lot of time looking at reasons we rarely see change in society. The obvious resistance is that entrenched corporate interests pay politicians to keep things the way they are. If the status quo is profitable, then it makes sense to pay a portion of profits to keep it in place. Beyond that, […]