The Best Way to Invest in this Cheap Stock Market

Leverage or non-leverage? All at once, or gradually?

I answer these and other questions from subscribers looking to take advantage of cheap prices in the stock market.

— Jason Kelly is the author of The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing and The 3% Signal, and writes an investing newsletter called The Kelly Letter. He lives near Tokyo.

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  1. Glenn
    Posted April 11, 2020 at 3:39 am | Permalink


    Just want some clarification. Regarding mid-quarter purchases (say on 2/1/20 and 3/1/20) directly to the stock fund, you advise to average the stock fund price for these two buys and then assign that average price as the stock fund price at the end of last quarter (12/31/19) or the current quarter (3/31/20) for calculating buy or sell amounts for the stock fund in the current quarter ending 3/31/20)? Thanks.

  2. Mike
    Posted April 10, 2020 at 12:40 pm | Permalink

    Hey Jason

    Do you ever get tired of being awesome? You are the best.

  3. Christina Mathews
    Posted April 9, 2020 at 9:26 pm | Permalink


    Just wanted to say that comfort food, comfort food is what helps you stay rational right now. 😆 Another great video and I love the videos!!


  4. Earl F
    Posted April 9, 2020 at 9:24 pm | Permalink

    Thank you Jason. I appreciate your reassurances and calming perspective. Keep doing what you’re doing, it matters! Thank you for your service.

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