In Tuesday’s article, I created a shootout between Dave Van Knapp and Alexander Green on whether Bank of America (BAC) or Banco Santander (STD) is the better dividend-paying stock.
In fact, the only point of disagreement between the two investors is that Dave thinks Bank of America will weather the storm and keep its dividend intact while Alexander thinks BofA’s dividend will be cut.
In a follow-up note to me, Dave wrote: “If I were recommending one stock versus the other, I’d probably recommend STD too, given the risk to the BAC dividend.”
Furthermore, he clarified: “I did did not write the article from the point of view of ‘What’s the best bank dividend stock?’ — which is Green’s vantage point. I wrote it from the question, ‘Has BAC disqualified itself from being a top dividend stock?’ Very different questions.”
Any misunderstanding is my fault for constructing the article in a shootout format. If you’d like more top dividend-paying stock ideas, be sure to stop by Dave’s investing site,