What Morningstar Thinks of Financials

One way to help yourself decide whether to put money to work in the beaten-down financial sector is to see how its individual stocks are rated by analytical firms. I did exactly that in yesterday’s note to Kelly Letter subscribers. I looked at Morningstar’s analysis of the top ten components of the Dow Jones U.S. Financials index.

With the news around subprime, capital raising, write-downs, the still struggling housing sector, and stagflation being so bleak, you might be surprised at the results.

If you’d like to take a look at yesterday’s note and to see my suggestion for how to position money now, come on board the letter. It’s only a penny for the first month and then just $5.48 per month thereafter, and you can cancel at any time. You probably won’t, though. A full 85% of people who try it for a month stick with it. From the information page:

Why the high satisfaction? Because it’s cheap, it works, and it’s pleasant. So many investment services are unapproachable or mysterious about their methods, as if they’re doing something that ordinary folks wouldn’t understand. Don’t fall for it. They’re not doing anything that’s beyond anybody else. Just look at their results to see.

Now’s a great time to give the letter a spin, at least if you have an extra penny to spare. We’ll roll out the welcome mat when you click here!

Kind regards,
Jason Kelly

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