Open Order Update

I’m going to visit my family in Estes Park, Colorado. I will be away from the office until Oct. 2 and won’t be updating the site while I’m gone. I’ll have the October issue of The Kelly Letter to subscribers on the weekend of Oct. 7.

Just before leaving, I sent a note to subscribers outlining our open orders. Generally, we don’t buy or sell on a moment’s notice. We research carefully, plan accordingly, and put good-til-cancelled orders on the books, and wait. This approach has enabled us to pick up bargains by taking the emotions out of the decision.

First, we figure what a stock’s worth with fundamental analysis. Then, we forecast the market’s chances of giving us that price with technical analysis. If we can make the two intersect, we have a target price. We place it, and wait. If it hits, we’ve added another gem to our portfolio. If it doesn’t, no problem. Not every hook in the water needs to catch a fish in order for it to have been a good fishing experience, right?

These open orders, along with all other Kelly Letter research including updated thoughts on every existing portfolio position, are stored for quick retrieval on the subscriber section of this website. So, while I may be away from the office for a while, the business is certainly not closed. Existing subscribers know exactly what to do, and new subscribers will be able to access the site and follow along immediately, while I’m gone, and then be ready to receive the October issue when I return.

Why don’t you join us? We have some good ideas in progress to jump on a fall rally. Some of the cheaper prices we’ve set are finally coming into range. See the post directly below this one for an oil service company idea, as one example. It’s just a penny to check out all I have to offer for a whole month, and then just $5.48 per month thereafter. You can cancel at any time and the payments stop right away. If history is any guide, though, you won’t. Only 15% of all people who’ve ever tried The Kelly Letter have unsubscribed. Find out why.

Now, I’m off to see the turning aspen leaves in my beloved Rocky Mountains. Enjoy the end of September!

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