A lot of subscribers are getting nervous as the stock market heads lower. Here at The Kelly Letter, I’ve been calling for an Aug/Sept correction since the beginning of the year. Despite the lukewarm performance of the market in early summer, I still think we’re in for rougher times ahead.
The good news is that the market should take a turn higher at the end of the year and into 2007.
To help subscribers take advantage of the slump before the swell, I’ve prepared a special bulletin, “The Kelly Report – The Summer Slump” and emailed it early this morning.
I’d like you to have a look as well. It’s sometimes helpful in volatile times to know that somebody else is with you, making the calls, watching the prices, and looking to do the right thing based on what unfolds.
If you take look at The Kelly Letter for a month, I’ll send you the summer slump report. I’ll also give you access to my report on Japan, and all of my archived research for 2006 so far. The trial month is just one cent and all you have to provide is your name and email address. You can cancel at any time during the one-cent month and never pay more than the penny. If you decide to continue for a while longer, as I hope you will, the cost is just $5.48 per month and you can cancel at any time to stop the payments.
What do you say? Sign up now for your one-cent month and I’ll get the report and your log-in password on their way! Here’s the page: