I’m fortunate to have amassed a circle of readers that are passionate about my books. They offer me tips on improving them, suggest topics for further study, and tell others about them. An author can’t ask for more from his readers. Sometimes, though, they protect me too much. My stock book is highly rated at […]
Tag Archives: perma ports
Fortune 40 Destroyed
On June 20, Fortune magazine crowed about its Fortune 40 portfolio. On its website, it describes the group as “Forty stock picks inspired by the greatest investors of all time: From the deepest values to solid growth, these shares can make retirement dreams come true.” This is typical of the financial media, and how it […]
Permanent Portfolios
So far this year, here’s how The Kelly Letter’s permanent portfolios have done: +2% Dow One+19% Double The Dow+28% Maximum Midcap Looking back a month, it’s a good thing we stayed fully invested. As I wrote then, these permanent portfolios are always fully invested — hence their name — but the latest month is a […]
Better Than “Sell in May and Go Away”
Now that it’s May, people are writing to ask whether I think it’s time to get out of the stock market. The old adage to “Sell in May and go away” has stuck far and wide, it seems. According to The Stock Trader’s Almanac, the best six months to be in the stock market are […]
Permanent Portfolios
I spent the early part of my investment career researching strategies to beat the Dow. I was intrigued by the book Beating The Dow by Michael O’Higgins and John Downes. Then, I relished further work by The Motley Fool to improve upon the strategies. Each of the Dow strategies involves using dividend yield to select […]