The following resources are from “The Internet” section on pages 197-203 of The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing, 2013 Edition:
Barron’s Online
Bigcharts Bloomberg FINVIZ |
Google Finance
Jason Kelly MarketWatch Morningstar Seeking Alpha | Yahoo Finance Zero Hedge |
Other investment sites mentioned briefly at the end of the section are CNN Money, the financial section of The Economist, the Financial Times, Minyanville, MSN Money, and Reuters Finance.
Worthy financial blogs mentioned: Bespoke Investment Group, The Big Picture, Buttonwood’s notebook, Calculated Risk, Dealbreaker, Footnoted by Morningstar, Free Exchange, FT Alphaville, Macroblog by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, MarketBeat, Naked Capitalism, and Pragmatic Capitalist.
The book also includes investment article aggregators, ETF sites, a predetermined portfolio trading service, other chart services, insider trading sites, SEC sites, the exchanges, and individual investor organization sites.
Are the instruction from “The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing” obsolete compared to the 3% signal ?
No, not at all. The Neatest Little Guide teaches the best practices for individual stock picking, and introduces concept behind The 3% Signal (3Sig) as one of its permanent portfolio ideas. Because I believe that most people should run their retirement accounts with 3Sig, I devoted a whole book to the plan with far more detail, including the specifics of implementing it in any 401(k), how to incorporate regular contributions, and so on. The books are best read together, and one’s net worth should be mostly managed by 3Sig.
so i should run 3sig on a small,mid cap index and then also run 3sig on individual stocks?
No. I recommend running all of your 3Sig-managed capital with a single small/mid-cap stock fund/ETF and a total or medium-term bond ETF. Sample pairings: AGG/IJR, SCHA/SCHZ, BND/VB.
For individual stocks, you’re probably best off with the usual trading techniques, in which I have almost no faith for the majority of investors, which should bring you back to 3Sig as a way to avoid individual stock-picking entirely. There — you just saved yourself years of stress and spared yourself thousands or tens of thousands of dollars lost.
That’s not very optimistic. lol
I’ll put most of my money in 3sig and then just pick a few stocks on the side if i feel like it.
Dear Mr. Kelly: After I sent my previous email, I noticed the publications such as Morningstar, Market Watch and Barron’s Online. I use Morningstar,, The, Street and Maybe we both like similar ways of increasing our wealth by dividend investing.
Sincerely, David King
Yes, it’s a tried-and-true method, David. It’s become very popular recently so some of the stocks are richly valued, but dividend investing is here to stay. See my article on one of my favorite books on the topic, Dave Van Knapp’s Top 40 Dividend Growth Stocks.