Thanks for Making My Book #1

Just a quick nod of gratitude today, to everybody who visits this site regularly, subscribes to my newsletter, keeps up with me in the media, and most especially today, buys and reads my books. Thanks to the latter group, the 2010 edition of The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing became the top-selling stock book at Amazon yesterday, as shown here:

That might have changed by the time you read this, but it happened and made my day. I’m fortunate to be able to make a living the way I do, thanks to you.

Now, if by chance you haven’t picked up your very own copy yet, hurry and get one before all your friends find out!

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  1. Posted June 29, 2010 at 12:04 pm | Permalink

    An interesting article with many helpful tips. Thank you very much, I will start reading your blog.

  2. Mike
    Posted June 22, 2010 at 1:57 pm | Permalink

    Just finished reading “Financially stupid people…” – what a great, refreshing book. I appreciate the simple advice on investing 20% of your income and all the other points in the first and last chapters. But more importantly, I really enjoyed the middle part on how the American politics & economy work. Frankly, it reads like a very entertaining thriller; I was sucked into the different stories and couldn’t put the book down. Thank you!

    • Posted June 23, 2010 at 11:19 am | Permalink

      My pleasure, Mike! I want more people like you in my life!

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